Thursday, April 29, 2010

Wiki Page, NETS-T # II

This page was about a tool that teachers can use called Easy Test Maker. This is a website where teachers can create tests and quizzes by just picking the type of question they want, and then inserting the questions and answers.

EdTech Profile, NETS-T #V

This lists my results after taking the test on the EdTech website. This test measures how much technology you use and how much is available to you as a teacher in your district and school.

Excel Crossword Puzzle. NETS-T #II


This is a crossword puzzle about me and some things that pertain to my life. It was created using Microsoft Excel and can be completed on the computer with the hints being revealed when you scroll over the points at the beginning of each word. When the correct answer is given, the word turns green. It can also be printed out and competed by hand.

Internet Safety, NETS-T #IV

JCCS Internet Safety

This artifact involved collaboration between six peers, each one taking a different lesson from the JCCS Wiki page. Each person performed at least one assignment from the lesson they chose, and included it in the GoogleDoc that was created for the whole group.

Public Service Announcement iMovie, NETS-T # III

This is a short movie addressing the problem of hate crimes in schools. It was created using the iMovie application and with footage taken at CSUSM.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Journal #9: Playing with Skype, NETS-T # I, V

Weller, T. (2010). Playing with skype. Learning and Leading with Technology37(6), Retrieved from

This article was very interesting as we have not discussed much about music education and technology. Through this videoconference-like program called Skype, young musicians can be connected in a "face-to-face" setting with composers of their music. Weller points out how the equipment is not too extreme, and may be what a school may have, as his did. I loved the part when Weller writes, "We are seeing a paradigm shift in education, where the teacher is no longer the absolute authority of knowledge in the classroom" I think that this is true and is a good thing. It gives students a more well-rounded education because multiple ideas are brought in and allows for the students world's to be expanded. The resources available like this one are numerous, and a good teacher should make the best use of them that they can.
How can Skype be used for a history class?
Weller notes that Skype can be used not only by music teachers, but by others in different fields. If I were a history teacher, I would want to try and maybe have some historians or museum staff who would be willing to speak with my students. It may even be possible for an older person who experienced something my students are studying to conference with us and offer insight on the subject. 
Would it be difficult to have professionals conference with a classroom?
I think that the answer is yes, because these people are busy and may not want to take time with high school students from a school they have never heard of. However, hearing the list of people this teacher had conference with his musicians is impressive, and shows that it can be done. Some of the people may have been contacts that he knew, but at the least I could maybe have some history professors that I have had who have written books talk for a short time with my students. The good thing is that the set up does not sound too hard, and it could happen for as short a time as necessary. Nevertheless, it would be valuable for the students as they could ask questions with a professional and maybe be inspired to continue with their education. 

Journal #8: Navigate the Digital Rapids, NETS-T, # IV, V

Lindsay, J, & Davis, V. (2010). Navigate the digital rapids. Learning and Leading with Technology, 37(6), Retrieved from 

This article addresses how to implement technology and good citizenship standards as a teacher and not be afraid of technology. In particular, this article deals with what the authors call "flat classrooms," which are ways to connect students and other professionals together to discuss and learn. It gave some of the responsibilities teachers have when utilizing technology. They have to customize it to meet the needs and expectations of students. They have to make sure that the students are using the technology in a responsible way and for educational purposes, doing all this by example. Teachers need to overcome their fears about technology, but be prepared to answer questions about safety. As the authors point out, the internet has rules that need to followed, just like any other potential dangerous activity. As long as teachers do their job and instruct about safety, students will be be fine. Also with technology teachers can "Put the learning in the hands of the students" by giving the students responsibilities through practical application, like students having admin rights (Lindsay and Davis, 2010).
How can teachers deal with parents who have concerns about using technology so much in schools?
I think that teachers should always start off being aware of potential parent concerns and sensitive to them. Teachers can demonstrate material to parents and hand out information through newsletters or handouts about the perimeters of the assignments and technology being used. Giving parents information is key, especially about things like giving their kids admin rights, which may not sound the best, but if it is a well thought out plan then it can all be explained to the parents and they may be understanding.
How will schools and educators know when to make more technological changes in schools to keep up with the times?
The authors mention that soon colleges may "begin requesting hyperlinks for e-porfolios and other online work" (Lindsay and Davis, 2010). Though this is not happening yet, it could be in the near future and the authors are encouraging schools to look towards this type of development and prepare for it. I think that keeping up with research and information coming from colleges and sources such as ISTE will help educators stay aware of current issues. However, it will take insightful and forward-thinking educators to implement programs to prepare for changes before the changes occur. I hope to be this type of teacher, though I know I will probably not have very much influence until I have been teaching awhile. 

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Journal #7: The Beginners Guide to Interactive Field trips, NETS-T # I, V

Zanetis, J. (2010). The Beginner's guide to interactive virtual field trips. Learning and Leading with Technology, 37(6), Retrieved from

Before reading this article, I did not realize how many opportunities there are for interactive field trips. The author writes that there are about 300 different educational organizations that have this sort of program available for students. This is such a practical thing, and can be accomplished in real time or from already programmed "field trips." Every school has internet access, and Zanetis pointed out that many schools have the necessary videoconferencing equipment that can be used.
I like that the author pointed that these sort of projects cost money, but noted that "when compared to the cost of a real field trip, and considering the value students get out of them", it is not that bad of a payoff (Zanetis). Schools should implement these types of programs and see them as an investment. It keeps students engaged and opened to new insights while not breaking the school's bank. Zanetis points out how this type of project can be implemented in any classroom for different topics, so one subject doesn't have to dominate this technology in the school.
How could this be used in a high school social studies/history classroom?
I want to teach high school history and I know that many high school students may not be interested in doing a virtual field trip, especially if it seems geared towards younger students, which I imagine many are. However, I think if the students realize that this is a lot cooler than just listening to me lecture, I think that they will appreciate it and hopefully get something out of it. I think that if I chose interesting topics, such as sports and pop culture, the students will be more engaged and will still be learning about important, relevant topics.
What are the disadvantages of using these virtual field trips?
I think that though these are obviously great educational resources, they can cause people, especially younger students, to not appreciate actually going to places to visit. Museums and other historical sites will probably never actually become a “thing of the past,” but they can be visited less and less because of online exhibits and features on T.V and the internet. For those people for whom going to the Pyramids in Egypt is a near impossibility, going online and learning about them in an interactive way is the next best thing. However, the younger generation may grow to not appreciate the value of seeing things up close when they can access them online. Thus, I think that if I am a teacher, I would try to promote local educational opportunities in history, along with the interactive field trips, so that students can still experience history up close without it being too inconvenient.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Inspiration: NETS-T # I, III, IV, V

This is a collage of the some of the artifacts created in EDU422 and the NETS-T standards they meet are labeled by them, with two artifacts for each standard. There are also graphics to represent each assignment.